gain more confidence speach coaching

Your voice is a very effective public speaking tool that you have more control over than you realize. While you can’t exactly change the sound of your voice, there’s a lot you can do to make it the best it can possibly be, particularly in public speaking situations.

The nervousness that many people feel when speaking in front of others can cause their voice to sound weak or intimidated. It may also drop in volume, making it difficult for others to comprehend you and follow along with your presentation. Public Speaking Advantage’s speech coaching services can help you with voice enhancement. Paul will show you how to make your voice resonate with listeners so that it sounds confident and authoritative yet also pleasing to their ears. Knowing how to enhance your voice helps your audience relax, pay attention to you, and be more receptive to what you have to say.

Knowing how to enhance your voice helps your audience relax, pay attention to you, and be more receptive to what you have to say. @PaulGeigerPSA

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Enhancing your voice means getting more of your body involved. Body language and posture can actually influence the delivery of your voice. Paul teaches you how to express yourself by using your whole body and positive body language to reveal your true, natural voice, and reinforce your message while speaking in front of others.

You’ll discover what can make your voice sound more interesting and expressive by leveraging its pitch and articulation, and how to control your breath for better voice quality. This can make the difference between speech that sounds wooden and monotonous versus one that is full of life and expression. You’ll also learn how turn a voice that sounds like it’s whispering into a comfortably audible one.

Speech enhancement is not just beneficial for professionals who regularly deliver presentations. Any time you use your voice—whether during conference calls or networking events—it’s an opportunity to project confidence and bolster your professional image. You’ll learn how to speak confidently during all kinds of social situations and interactions with colleagues, and how to come across as engaged with others in the workplace.

Take a sneak peek now at Public Speaking Advantage.

Checkout a few quick tips from Paul Geiger’s Podcast series: 

Speaking Tips 2 Go

Episode 1 – Taking the Plunge at Meetings: In a meeting, do you know how to find your opening? Paul points out how to recognize the signs and ways to segue into the conversation.

Episode 2 – How to Lose a Presentation in 30 Seconds: Beware! Learn the pitfalls of overloading your message. Through Paul’s tips, you’ll discover your audience’s listening limit.

Episode 3 – The Work of Networking: Are you uncomfortable at a meet and greet or maybe in an interview? Find out how to add depth to your on-paper presence.

Episode 4 – The Curious Case of the Sales Call: Wouldn’t it be great if selling sounded like an opportunity? In this podcast, learn Paul’s tips on how to lead with curiosity.

Episode 5 – Fast Talkers, Very Fast Talkers, and Super Fast Talkers: Nobody wins when you speak too fast. Today’s podcast focuses on tips for slowing your speech. Learn the art of a well-trained pause inside two minutes.


Paul Geiger, president of Public Speaking Advantage, has spent the past decade specializing in effective business communications. He has consulted with over 3000 executives, helping them improve their clarity and delivery when under pressure. Companies like Viacom, Google, Citi, Twitter, Bloomberg, NBC News, and Nasdaq turn to Paul and his Public Speaking Advantage as their public speaking insurance policy. #BetterBusinessSpeech #SpeakingTips2Go #PSACoach